It's been a while since we've heard from The White Stripes. Granted, Jack White—an artist a la Damon Albarn or MF Doom who seems to have his hands in multiple side projects at any given time—is active with The Dead Weather, who just recently announced their upcoming tour. However, the Detroit man-woman duo that graced us with the anthemic "Seven Nation Army" and the critically lauded White Blood Cells hasn't released any new material since 2007's Icky Thump. Whether you claim The Raconteurs, The Dead Weather, or The White Stripes as your favorite Jack White effort, one thing's for sure: the guy is a creative genius. Until the Stripes make their dramatic return to the scene, here's a clever mashup of "Seven Nation Army" and 1980s New Wave duo Eurythmics' one hit wonder.
The White Stripes vs. Eurythmics: Sweet Dreams are Made of Seven Nation Army [alt]
awesome! I love it!
mad copy
Could we maybe get a name of the person who made this mashup?
Amazing! Please, name of the mash-up artist?
i already had this mash-up tagged as a creation of dj poly if that helps
dwld it under the screen from mediashare
sorry media fire
This sounds too messy. Almost there.
DJ Zebra
DJ Poly
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