As you may or may not know, Danny and I are members of the Davidson College baseball team. Like any team, we have our fair share of inside jokes and bullshitting that take place on a daily basis. In addition to the frequent quoting of modern-day comedy classics like Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Anchorman, and The Hangover, music factors heavily into our team's culture. Every day, Lil Wayne's No Ceilings mixtape can be heard blaring from the clubhouse, imitations of Mike Posner's distinctive nasal croon are exchanged during warm-ups, and Scissor Sisters' Mika-esque "Don't Feel Like Dancin'" and Jason Derulo's either wonderfully tongue-in-cheek or hilariously bad "Hit Me With a Text" are queued up after victories. Because Danny and I know that it's everyone's dream to be a Wildcat, here we offer you a sample of Davidson baseball's musical palette.
Lil Wayne (feat. Birdman): "No Ceilings" [alt]
Scissor Sisters: "I Don't Feel Like Dancin'" [alt]
Jason Derulo: "Hit Me With a Text" [alt]
If you would like to keep up with Davidson College baseball, you can visit its website here. Further, you can listen to live radio broadcasts of the games and watch live stats. While these mediums allow you to track Danny's offensive domination of the SoCon, there's unfortunately not a live feed of the bench, so you'll just have to take my word that I'm actually on the team. Thank you for your interest and support.
danny sucks at baseball
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