I just stumbled upon this mashup of Lil Wayne and Birdman's "Stuntin' Like My Daddy" and the theme song from The Lion King. Interesting to say the least. To temper this ridiculous mashup with something of more legitimacy, here's quite possibly my favorite mashup of all time: The White Panda's "Stuntin' Like My Energy." Enjoy.
Lil Wayne vs. Lion King: "Stuntin' Like Mufasa" [alt]
The White Panda: "Stuntin' Like My Energy" [alt]
am i the only one that thinks this shit is horrible?
no, you're not.
it's not good, but damn it's funny.
Both of the Anonymous posters are right; this stuff is all pretty ridiculous. The sad truth, however, is that if you want your blog to get any kind of following, you have to post this kind of stuff because Hype Machine users and music bloggers in general are drawn to these gimmicky mashups. Muzjiks strives to balance these throw-away posts with more legitimate ones, though. For example, in the near future, an essay on Godspeed You! Black Emperor's /Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven/ should be coming, along with some Sugar Glyder material and other exciting indie talent. As always, we appreciate your readership, and we hope that you understand where we're coming from on this matter. Thanks.
Yeah, such a good idea, such horrible execution!!
haha this is hilarious
if u think it suck fuck u then u bloody cunts
This whole "We know it's lame, but we need the readers and we do real blogs too" thing is such a stupid cop-out. If you post tracks you don't want to just to get referrals then this blog is completely disingenuous. Put up or shut up -- if you think a track isn't worth a listen don't post it and if you do post a track don't feel like you have to make excuses for yourself with "legitimate" posts because some anonymous person on the internet insulted your blog's taste. I know in the huge music blogosphere everyone is desperate for both readers and some undefinable indie-cred so they can become the next OMGorilla vs. Bear but really, what's the point if you're not being genuine?
Stuntin' Like Mufasa is a decent mashup. That's what mashups are all about. They're supposed to be gimmicky, they're supposed to be weird. That's why they're mashups and not legitimate tracks. If you want legitimate songs, then go listen to legitimate songs.
If you like mashups, as well as legitimate songs, like I do, then you'll appreciate Stuntin' Like Mufasa.
Yes, I've definitely heard a better mash in my time, but this aint bad... I wouldn't say "this shit is horrible".
liked this
That song is very creative two thumbs up
he posted it because it was funny. of course its not good. Im just scared about how many hype hearts its gotten
yea, look at the blog that hit number 2 ..... they posted an original by discotech ..... not even a remix by a huge blog name or anything. lets try and make this about music again and not let it fall down the toilet like everything else does.
You can't reasonably expect the same readers who are giving these mashups two thumbs up to be the same readers interested in a Godspeed You! Black Emperor release.
I find this quite funny in a good way, and GY!BE is good shit. It's hard to stay alive in this ruthless music blog world. Keep up the good work.
this should be buried in the elephant graveyard
check out www . dj do you . com for the whole mixtape and the videos
"That said, I still despise mashups in general, but they're part of the whole blogging gig, so Muzjiks will cover it."
C'mon Steve, show some integrity; this is like CNN covering Tiger Woods and Jesse James in an attempt to gain bigger readership from the lowest common denominator.
The one my The Five One is SOOOOO much better
90% of me loves this song. The other 10% is wondering i'm retarded cause i love the 50 cent jungle book remix as well. Maybe its all a evil plan to remix every song on earth...so that we don't even know the originals anymore.
Does anyone else think Nala was hot?
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