Clint Mansell is my favorite current film music composer. Although some of my affinity for him is undoubtedly linked to his collaboration with Darren Aronofsky (Pi, The Fountain), a good portion of it also has to do with the way he musically skullfucks the viewer with his haunting, brooding compositions that fit perfectly with Aronofsky's psychological thrillers. Likewise, I think that Lady Gaga is doing some of the most exciting things for pop music since Madonna; she's managed to construct this larger-than-life persona who's wonderfully eccentric and still musically talented. Just look at this YouTube video of her performing without all the frills—this girl's got some pipes, and even sitting down at a keyboard in an empty studio, her energy and showmanship (showomanship?) come through.
So where am I going with this? As I surfed around the blogosphere today, I stumbled upon this mashup by your run-of-the-mill YouTube DJ, but the pairing intrigued me and actually functions decently well. That said, I still despise mashups in general, but they're part of the whole blogging gig, so Muzjiks will cover it. Hope you enjoy. And as always, feel free to leave comments; we encourage discussion.
Lady Gaga vs. Clint Mansell: "Requiem for a Romance (Robin Skouteris Mix)" [alt]
Nicely done, pretty dark and sexy, maybe some more synths added ..
I've studied film for 4 years now and it's a shame I've never gotten into the whole music end of it to find compositions as great as this and pretty much all of Requiem. This is mashup definitely takes on a unique vibe. I'm so used to mashups that are designed to make you dance and thats their sole reason for existing. However, this is almost there just to invoke emotion. Well done all around.
ahhhh where did it go? i cant dl or listen now!!!
Please use the [alt] link. Our bandwidth is limited because we use free hosting. Thanks.
I'm really digging this mix. & I would definitely dance to it. it reminds me a tiny bit of when Chris Cox remixed Christina Aguilera's "Hurt", stylistically i mean...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOus7-l8qsw
It's a shame for the film song to have a Lady Gaga vocal.
I know, Anonymous #1. I know.
is there anywhere I can download an mp3 of this?
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