A little over a week ago, I posted a couple new tracks from Indianapolis's scarf rock collective Margot & the Nuclear So and So's. Since then, I've managed to get my hands on the other track from Margot's new Birds/Bubble Prick 7". Although I'm admittedly nostalgic for the days of the original Margot sound and lineup, Richard Edwards's musical genius never ceases to shine through in everything he does, and today's SOTD is no exception. "Bubble Prick" is a slow-burning folk tune that hearkens back to stripped-down acoustic numbers from the Dust of Retreat-era like "Hip Hip Hooray."
Check the band's MySpace page for recently announced tour dates that span several midwestern states. If you get the opportunity, don't miss out on the chance to hear Edwards's gravelly, cigarette-battered croon live. Since we all aren't so fortunate as the Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana residents who will have this chance in the coming months, here's a taste of what Margot's been up to lately...
Margot & the Nuclear So and So's: "Bubble Prick"

yes! that is a "right" acoustic sound
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