It never ceases to amaze me the vastness of the indie music scene. With the advent of first MySpace Music and then the blogosphere, everything from a local start-up band to some dude's bedroom laptop experiments are at our fingertips. Many of my favorite bands were revealed to me by fortuitous happenstance—a click to a message board post on some cached, now obsolete website; an accidental visit to a MySpace top eight page of a band's friend's friend's act; a lazy Sunday's bored web surfing of last.fm.
Such is the case with today's SOTD band, This Day & Age. I was actually in the process of trying to find out news about the disappearing act better known as Weaver at the Loom, and some forum user with three posts mentioned this Buffalo quintet. Indeed, TD&A is essentially Weaver with a more prominent punk edge, and it's glorious. I've had their 2006 album, The Bell and the Hammer, on heavy rotation for months now and have yet to grow remotely tired of it. Although the band has split up and members have since reformed under the jazzier outfit Reign of Kindo, they leave behind three solid LPs. To give you a taste of This Day & Age's brilliance, I offer you the first three tracks off of The Bell and the Hammer. Enjoy.
This Day & Age: The Bell and the Hammer [Buy]
Always Straight Ahead
Second Star to the Right...
The Bell and the Hammer

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