Ahead of the release of Free Gucci, the free mixtape compiled by Diplo of various Gucci Mane remixes, Diplo himself released his "Danger's Not a Stranger" remix, which utilized Mariah Carey's "Can't Let Go" and put a whole new spin on the Guccimerica number. I think I can safely speak on behalf of the entire indie community in saying that Diplo definitely piqued our interest, but with so much anticipation ahead of releases, once drop day comes, they often fall flat. While by no means a total wash, Free Gucci was not a mixtape full of "Danger's Not a Stranger"-type bangers; it's rather mediocre, only with a handful of noteworthy tracks. However, these noteworthy tracks bump. So, with these songs of the weekend (henceforth referred to as SOTW), crank up the bass and enjoy a taste of the good life...
Gucci Mane
Dope Boys (Bird Peterson remix)
I Be Everywhere (DZ remix)
I'm the Shit (DJ Benzi & Willy Joy remix)
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