Here's a party track for your weekend festivities. It's a mashup between the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Busta Rhymes by a DJ Stroke of YouTube fame. While it's by no means what I'd consider a stellar mashup, one that redefines the song and yields a product better than its original, I must admit that "Snow (Hey Oh)" serves as quite the backing track. Enjoy, and be sure to check back on Muzjiks daily for updates, reviews, and articles. For TB and I, the weekend is usually when we have the most time to put out quality content. We thank you for your continuing support and readership.
DJ Stroke: "Dangerous (RHCP vs. Busta Rhymes)"
Full mixtape [free download]
EDIT @ 11:44 PM EST on 1.1.10: A new link that won't go down! Enjoy, my friends.
I'm sorry Swine, and we discussed this, it is shameful that this #1 on HypeM. this is most mediocre p.o.s. ive ever heard. Im slowly losing faith in the people.
Lol. This song is alright. Danny - I don't know what your problem is but this song is better than most garbage that comes out even though it is a 'mash-up'.
No...Dannys right.
No.... he's wrong. I enjoyed this.
Thanks for the insightful comments everybody, really. In response to Pete Wentz, the only somewhat ligitmate comment, please define "coming out." This isn't on the radio and shouldn't bombard you in any way. This is one of the most exciting times in the history of music--we have acess to eveything all the time, and in most cases, for free. There is no longer any excuse to just simply blame mediocre music on the big body of media. The burden is on the listener and the listener alone.
Here on Muzjiks,we try to bring to you a filter of this mass of internet music and I feel we do a pretty good job. I was just commenting, though in a bit of a drunken rant, that it's a little disheartening to look at the top of charts and have the music be as shallow as the mashup is.
I feel, as does my co-admin, Swine, that the mashup genre has the potential to simply be a gimmick.
See: http://muzjiksradio.blogspot.com/2009/11/death-of-super-mash-bros.html
If done in a mature, appropriate way, the mashup genre can create excitement and confounding juxtapositions in both tone and culture. Again, this is just an opinion and we welcome mature, informed discussion--thats what the blog is for.
To dovetail with Danny's post (with which I wholeheartedly agree), there is a significant difference between the variety of mashups I discussed in the "Death of Super Mash Bros." write-up and something like the White Panda's "Stuntin' Like My Energy" or Diplo's "Danger's Not a Stranger" where the resultant song eclipses the originals and, in fact, yields a new piece of music entirely.
I must confess that this SOTD post was actually an experiment aimed at discovering what qualifies as a Hype Machine popular song. On Muzjiks, we do strive to bring you the said filter of the mass of internet music, and to us, that simply means finding the gems in what is a deluge of material. However, when we makes posts about acts like Stateless or Slow Runner or Lightspeed Champion or even Local Natives for that matter—extremely talented musicians making genuinely exciting music—they're met with lukewarm to nonexistent responses. In contrast, any time we post a mashup or an another rather uninspired piece of electronic music, it's met with overwhelming approval on Hype Machine, as illustrated here with this DJ Stroke offering.
This is not meant in any way to bash the Hype Machine model; it's been revolutionary in the way music is exchanged and brought to the masses, giving the blogosphere an unforeseen power of influence. Case in point: Washed Out and Wavves and the majority of the lo-fi/no-fi/shitgaze genre would be left in their bedrooms without Hype Machine and its contributors. All we're trying to do, as Danny articulated, is create a welcoming place for good music, informed opinion, and mature discussion.
If music generates a positive response for a person, who cares what genre it is? It's serving it's purpose. Music can be an amazing way to send a message, and there is definitely a place for that. But there is also a place for guilty pleasure music. Shallowness can be a good thing if it brings on it's intended response.
dannys right
Danny's response is narrow-minded. Jack had it right. It always irks me when people bash mainstream music. If something evokes a positive feeling in someone, and in this case enough people to hit #1 on hypemachine; it means something. That something is not that the masses have a shitty taste in music, but that music doesn't have to be made with a certain amount of skill or knowledge to be good music. (sorry for OD on music) Not saying that this mash-up lacked either of those, but just saying.
Could you re-up this one more time? TY
3000 favorites in four days, and still goin' strong. It's a positive feedback loop - as more people favorite it, more people favorite it.
This track is not by DJ Stroke! I submitted it to him as part of a mashup contest.. I am sure it's just a misunderstanding.... but I did this track, lets get that straight. Whether people like it or not is not the issue. I have no reason to accuse Stroke of biting... I will reserve judgement on that since I know how the web works and he did put together a mixtape with that song on it, but I made this track..
It's on my soundcloud page with the rest of my stuff
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